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Wednesday 5 September 2012

The humble celeriac takes the Number 1 slot

My Squidoo lens How to use celeriac has risen to the top of my lens list this morning, overtaking the long time #1 How to make homemade chocolate truffles. There's a food theme here of course- I love good food.

That may be why lenses #3 and # 4 are on the topic of The Dukan Diet!

Back to celeriac. Someone left a message that they'd read the page but couldn't be bothered to try celeriac as it looked too weird. Sad. Celeriac is tasty and healthy. Celeriac is easy to cook. There are lots of great recipes for celeriac. Top chefs love celeriac. If you don't use celeriac then try it. If you do use celeriac, you might pick up some new ideas. I'm thrilled it's my # 1 lens!

 Readers in the UK can buy this book by top veggie lover Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall for more great veggie recipes.

Saturday 1 September 2012

1 September- time to get back to the blog

I've neglected my blog "What's she going on about now?" She's not been going on about anything. At least, not on the blog. Now, there's a nip in the air, and it's the start of my favourite month. Last Monday was Bank Holiday in the UK, but it rained so hard that lots of events were cancelled, and I couldn't get out for my usual afternoon walk- so I made a new lens for Squidoo . It's called The Best Christmas Stockings to make and Buy I didn't know that you could buy these great kits. I don't really have the time ( or the inclination if I'm honest) to make one, but if you're good with a needle and thread, you might like to try this.